Erghon is a handwritten font with quick dry strokes and a signature style. It's perfect for branding projects, homeware designs, product packaging or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image or posters. Erghon has an entire alternate glyph set. This is accessible simply by their own separate font file - just install this as normal and select 'Erghon Swash' , ‘Erghon' or ‘Erghon’ in your text-tool. Erghon includes 2 Font files: 1. Erghon Regular - A handwritten script font containing upper & lowercase characters, numerals and a large range of punctuation. 2. Erghon Swash - A set of 26 hand-drawn swashes, with cool touch to underline your text set in Erghon.
Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Koning transports high-contrast sans serifs into the present. Koning is the Dutch for king. Given the design’s elegance, this name should come as no surprise. It has been recognized with numerous awards: TDC Certificate of Typographic Excellence and Award of Excellence from Communication Arts both in 2018, and Gold from German Design Awards in 2020. Koning Display Koning Display